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Placer Sentinel

Placer County Seeks Citizen Advisors on Future of Squaw Valley

Nov 17, 2015 12:00AM ● By Anonymous

Three seats are currently open on two citizen advisory groups charged with advising the Placer County Board of Supervisors on decisions affecting Squaw Valley.

Three seats are currently vacant on the Squaw Valley Municipal Advisory Council and the Squaw Valley Design Review Committee. Squaw Valley MAC members advise the board on county related matters throughout the valley; design committee members advise the Planning Department and Planning Commission in matters of design within the committee’s delineated boundaries.

“These two advisory boards play a key role in reviewing issues in Squaw Valley and making recommendations to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors,” said District 5 Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery. “These are excellent opportunities for residents to help guide the future vision of this area.”

The appointed positions are unpaid and do not have decision-making authority.

Interested candidates may nominate themselves by submitting an application, available online at this link: Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery, who represents the county district that contains Squaw Valley, will submit candidates for approval by the board of supervisors. The application period will remain open until all vacant seats are filled.

Source: Placer County