Placer County, Truckee Pave Way for Two New Tahoe-Area Trails
Jun 07, 2016 12:00AM ● By Source: Alex Boesch, County of Placer
Bicycle and pedestrian mobility in the Lake Tahoe area is becoming safer and more abundant.
The Placer County Board of Supervisors today approved agreements that will pave the way for two new trails that will eventually connect Placer County and the Town of Truckee.
Under a cost-share-agreement with Truckee for design and environmental documentation, the eight-mile Truckee River Access Trail will connect the north end of an existing shared-use trail at Squaw Valley Road to the Placer County line near West River Street in Truckee.
Pending the timing of securing construction funding, a portion of the project could start as early as 2018.
Additionally, an agreement has been approved with Dokken Engineering to complete National Environmental Policy Act compliance documents for the Martis Valley Trail Project.
Upon completion, the trail would provide a multipurpose connection between Northstar Village and the Town of Truckee, and will be nine miles long.
The Northstar Community Services District has already completed a section of the trail extending from the Truckee town line south into Placer County, but the action by the board today will help advance construction of the path, which is anticipated to begin in 2018, as well.
“These two trail projects represent progress to connect North Lake Tahoe and Truckee with a path network that will give residents and visitors healthy travel and recreation options without the use of the personal automobile,” said Peter Kraatz, Placer County assistant director of public works and facilities.