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Placer Sentinel

PG&E Helicopter Patrols in Placer and El Dorado counties

Apr 16, 2020 12:00AM ● By Brandi Merlo, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Bell 407 Helicopter PG&E uses during aerial patrols. Photo: PG&E

PLACER COUNTY, CA (MPG) - As part of its ongoing response to California’s tree mortality crisis, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) will conduct aerial patrols in Placer and El Dorado counties on Wednesday and Thursday, April 15 and 16, to identify dead trees that could pose a wildfire or other public safety risk.

The Bell 407 Helicopter will be leaving from the Auburn Airport at 8 a.m. Flights will be ongoing throughout the day until 4 p.m. in the areas of Auburn, Sheridan, Kilaga Springs, Clayton, Lincoln, Nebelhorn, Phillips and Twin Bridges. The helicopter will pause inspection approximately every two hours to refuel at the Auburn Airport.

PG&E is using a contract helicopter service to fly foresters over the area to inspect trees. Patrolling by air allows the company to cover many miles quickly and efficiently and reduces impacts on the ground. Residents are advised that the helicopter will fly low – at about 200 to 300 feet above the ground – along distribution power lines, and higher in areas where livestock are present.

Every year, PG&E inspects and monitors every overhead electric transmission and distribution line, either on foot or by air, with some locations patrolled multiple times. Since the tree mortality crisis began, the energy company has increased foot and aerial patrols in high fire-risk areas to twice a year and up to four times a year in some locations. This year, PG&E expects to patrol over half of its overhead distribution lines at least two times.