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Vacationers Arriving at Second Homes Find They Need to Respond to the Census... Again

Jul 22, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Marna K Davis, U.S. Census Bureau

WASHINGTON, DC (MPG) – Many families will head to their vacation homes and cabins this holiday weekend in the more rural counties in California. They are likely to find a 2020 Census questionnaire packet at their doors even if they already responded from their primary residences.

It’s required that homeowners complete a separate census form for every house they own, including seasonal residences. If homeowners have been staying in their seasonal homes during the COVID crisis, they still need to complete a census form for their primary residence. People should count themselves at the residence where they live and sleep most of the time under normal conditions.

Here are instructions on how to self-respond online with information on a cabin, vacation rental property, or any other home where someone does not live and sleep most of the time:

Visit; Enter the Census ID or address for this secondary property. Owners will find the ID number in the information packet that census takers left on the property or at a mailbox if the home has a regular mailing address; Enter “0” for the number of people living at this property; Hit Next… the survey will not advance, but it will show a second prompt. Hit Next again to advance; Select “No” when asked a confirmation question about how many people live there; Select primary reason – Seasonal (most likely); Complete! 

You may also respond to the 2020 Census by calling (844) 330-2020, or returning the paper questionnaire by mail.

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