Pelican Poetry
Jul 23, 2020 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner
Stretching its nine-foot wingspan, a pelican takes off in Gold River stretches of the American River.
SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - A stunning pair of American white pelicans is causing a sensation in Fair Oaks, Gold River and Carmichael.
Though the enormous birds (over four-feet in height) are often seen in the Yolo Bypass, they rarely venture to these parts of the Lower American River. Like many fish-loving coastal creatures, these anglers have simply followed the supply chain upstream during a plentiful season.
Apparently an adult and sub-adult, the couple roosts on islands at Sailor Bar (Fair Oaks) and Gold River. Trawling for fish, they cruise with a swan-like grace that belies predatory intent. This photographer watched as the younger bird used its fabled beak pouch to net a large fish for breakfast. The feat recalled the famous limerick by American humorist Dixon Lanier Merritt:
“A wonderful bird is the Pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?”
While my camera snapped, the angler threw back its head and swallowed the fish whole. I was darned if I knew how the hellicould.