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Placer Sentinel

Placer County is Updating its Housing Policy

Nov 03, 2020 12:00AM ● By Chris Gray-Garcia, Placer County

Auburn-area housing development, Photo courtesy of Placer County

Community invited to help shape update to Placer County housing policy

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Placer County is updating its housing policy and is asking for more community feedback to help make sure it guides the kind of housing opportunities residents want to see.

The Housing Element of the county General Plan is the main document that establishes the county's housing policies. It’s intended to ensure that decent, safe, affordable shelter is provided for all residents in unincorporated Placer County, and describes the county programs and policies that support the development of housing to meet those needs. Once approved, the updated Housing Element will define the county’s housing development policies and priorities from 2021-2029. 

To prepare for the update, the county has been seeking input from community members and stakeholders since 2018. A draft of the updated Housing Element based on that feedback is now available for review and comment on Placer’s website at

Placer County will host its second virtual community housing workshop Nov. 5 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. to take feedback on the draft. Access information is available on the event registration website here.

“Housing affordability and availability are among our residents’ top concerns and the kinds of housing they’re looking for is changing,” said county principal planner Shawna Purvines. “The more residents we hear from about their housing challenges and preferences, the better we’ll be able to make housing policies that help meet those needs.”