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Placer Sentinel

Placer County prepares for upcoming storm, increases snow removal services

Jan 26, 2021 12:00AM ● By Stephanie Herrera, Placer County News Release

Eastern Placer County will move to 24-hour snow removal services on county roadways

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Preparing for this week’s forecast storm, Placer County is increasing snow removal services and reinforcing winter parking restrictions, while encouraging residents to remain vigilant.

Eastern Placer County will move to 24-hour snow removal services on county roadways outside of incorporated cities starting today. Caltrans is responsible for snow removal on state highways. Weather conditions, road maintenance needs and timing of the storm factor into when the county begins snow removal operations. The county increases service during storms and throughout the cleanup stages following the storms. In an “average” storm, the county will attempt to plow each street once during a 12-hour shift. 

To ensure safe and effective snow removal services, parking is prohibited on roadway shoulders between Nov. 1 and May 1 in eastern Placer County. Illegally parked vehicles may be ticketed, fined or towed.

With the potential for snow buildup on buildings and systems, Placer County officials are advising eastern Placer residents and businesses to monitor buildings, propane tanks and natural gas lines for signs of excessive loading due to heavy snow. This includes roof vents, chimneys and flues for blockage due to snow buildup. Blockages can lead to carbon monoxide buildup in buildings, creating a potentially unsafe interior environment. The heavy snow may also cause chimneys to shift, creating potential falling or fire hazards.

Western Placer County is also on a flood watch and residents should use caution when driving as many areas that are normally dry can be subject to flooding during and after rainstorms. Residents can monitor the county website for road closures and flood information and call 530-745-7565 to communicate information not shown. Placer County provides maintenance and management of county roadways outside incorporated cities. Cities are responsible for roads management within city limits.

Placer County’s Ready Placer campaign launched a winter weather webpage last month to help residents prepare for winter hazards. The webpage includes winter weather alert information, preparedness tips, snow, flooding, sand and sandbag information and travel information. The webpage can be found at