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Letter to Governor Regarding Vaccine Distribution to Rural Counties

Jan 28, 2021 12:00AM ● By Jim Nielsen, 4th District Senator (R)

Dear Governor Newsom,

I write to you today to outline my frustrations with the COVID-19 vaccine distribution in our State.

There is no question that we need COVID-19 vaccines, and we need them quickly. However, we also need them accurately distributed and in a timely manner. Unfortunately, our rural counties seem to once again be forgotten in the process. In the current situation we are in, we cannot afford to let our rural counties suffer any longer.

It is unacceptable that counties must wait an average of six days from the time local health officials order vaccine allocations, to when they actually arrive. Many times, what does arrive is different than what was ordered. Officials must quickly come up with a plan to vaccinate patients with what they received, not what they originally requested. This puts a huge burden on our small, rural counties that have to contact citizens and inform them that they are unable to administer the vaccine due to the previously mentioned issues.

I am deeply frustrated that many rural counties are unable to receive even an estimation of how many vaccines they are allocated and additionally, how many are left un-administered. These are not questions we can afford to have, given the current circumstances. These logistical problems must be fixed.

Let me be clear – my frustration is bigger than just one hospital or one county. I understand the severity this has on our state as a whole. Please develop a new plan, or make changes to the existing plans and protocols, to address this issue. Respectfully, I ask for your help with this urgent matter that greatly affects our entire state and would appreciate a prompt response.



Jim Nielsen
Senator, 4th District