Heavy Traffic and Travel Delays Anticipated in the Sierra this Weekend
Feb 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By Caltrans Traffic Alert
The draw of fresh snow coupled with Super Bowl festivities this weekend are expected pack Sierra ski resorts and casinos in the region.(Photo courtesy of Caltrans).
Over the last week and a half, the Truckee and Tahoe areas have seen a significant amount of snowfall. The fresh powder and anticipated warmer temperatures, coupled with Super Bowl festivities this weekend are expected to draw many to ski resorts and casinos in the region. Motorists traveling on Interstate 80 and U.S. Highway 50 from the valley or Bay Area regions should expect significant traffic and travel delays on major and secondary highways in the region.
Ski resort parking lots are expected to fill quickly given lower capacity requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Motorists should be prepared to be turned around when lots reach capacity and not block highways and local roads.
Caltrans is also reminding motorists that snow play is not permitted in Safety Roadside Rest Areas (SRRAs) or alongside highways, on-ramps or off-ramps for the safety of the public and other drivers. Drivers parked alongside highways and in non-designated areas for snow play create hazardous driving conditions for other motorists and prevent big rigs from using rest areas for federally-mandated stops. Vehicles found parked illegally may be cited or towed for public safety.
While Caltrans recognizes the beauty of the snow in the Sierra Nevada and welcomes visitors to the area, the department’s priority is keeping California state highways clear and safe for all motorists. Check out Caltrans' “QuickMap” for current road conditions and traffic flow levels at quickmap.dot.ca.gov/ or download the free QuickMap app on the App Store or Google Play. Motorists also can call the California Highway Information Network automated phone service at 1-800-427-ROAD (7623).