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Placer Sentinel

Placer County seeks relief from state in deputy sheriff negotiations

Mar 26, 2021 12:00AM ● By County of Placer News Release

The county is compelled to file the charge because of PCDSA’s failure to bargain in good faith

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - On March 19, 2021, the County of Placer filed an Unfair Practice Charge (UPC) with the California Public Employment Relations Board arising out of ongoing negotiations with the Placer County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (PCDSA). Placer County has engaged in good faith negotiations with PCDSA since May 2019 in order to establish a new collective bargaining agreement. The prior agreement with PCDSA expired June 30, 2018. After years of effort, the county is compelled to file the charge because of PCDSA’s failure to bargain in good faith.  

As alleged, PCDSA has violated the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act by refusing to respond to county proposals, refusing to provide counterproposals regarding compensation, adopting a “take-it-or-leave-it” approach, imposing unreasonable conditions on bargaining, engaging in dilatory tactics, and going through the motions of bargaining without a genuine intent to reach a negotiated agreement. PCDSA has also committed a “per se” violation of its duty to bargain in good faith by outright refusing to meet and confer over the county’s post-mediation revised proposals.

Throughout the negotiations, Placer County’s goals in talks with PCDSA have not been to reduce deputies’ wages, but to avoid uncontrolled cost escalation, achieve alignment with the labor market and promote long-term fiscal sustainability. The Board of Supervisors’ offer to PCDSA of guaranteed salary increases of 4% in the first year, 4.25% in the second year and 4.5% in the third year and other wage increases further these objectives, while still preserving the county’s ability to recruit and retain top tier law enforcement talent. 

Despite having to file the UPC, the Board of Supervisors will continue to bargain in good faith with PCDSA. The board remains committed to sustainable fiscal stewardship that provides exceptional services countywide. The board will continue its long-standing support of public safety and the entire criminal justice system, including excellent salaries and benefits for deputy sheriffs.