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Gear Up Project with Cal Storm

May 05, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Patrick Larenas

Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation Partners with Kombat Soccer to Help Student Athletes 

ORANGEVALE-FAIR OAKS, CA (MPG) – On May 15 and May 16, Sacramento’s Premier Women’s Soccer Team, California Storm, and Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation are partnering with Kombat Soccer of Rocklin to supply free soccer equipment, along with a healthy bag of groceries, to soccer student-athletes to inspire the next generation of players.

Sports activities inspire and put smiles on young people’s faces. They offer kids an important opportunity to learn to work with others and to realize that cooperation leads to greater satisfactions than selfish, self-destructive behaviors.

Jose Zambrano, Community Outreach Coordinator for Orangevale-Fair Oaks Food Bank, explained, “I was so thankful for all the coaches, families, and community for their support throughout my youth soccer student-athlete years and I am grateful to be able to make an impact, as others have done for me.”

“I found soccer to be an outlet from the hostile environments I lived [in]. It opened so many doors for me and inspired me to further my education,” he added.

Zambrano said the Gear Up Project had a “preferred criteria… that the soccer student-athlete show commitment to the sport, dedication to school, and the need for community support to obtain gear.”

At this time no further participating student-athletes openings are available, but if you would like to be involved in similar events in the future, please email [email protected]