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Loomis Soroptimist Accepting Scholarship Applications

Oct 13, 2021 12:00AM ● By Soroptimist of Loomis Basin News Release

Karen Fraser-Middleton, past-president, SI Loomis Basin; Annamarie Coronel, who won the Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award in 2021; and Jackie DeMartini, past secretary/treasurer, Soroptimist International of the Americas (LtoR), Photo courtesy of Soroptimist of Loomis Basin

Loomis Soroptimist Accepting Scholarship Applications [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

The Live Your Dream application is due November 15

LOOMIS, CA (MPG) - The deadline for students, teachers and community leaders to apply for Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin awards is November 15. Information and applications can be found on the Soroptimist Loomis website

 Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award: The Loomis club awards up to $1000 to a local woman who provides the primary financial support for her family. Funds offset the cost of books, childcare, tuition and transportation required to improve her skills and employability through trade school, community college or higher education.

 Every year, Soroptimist International distributes more than $2.8 million in Live Your Dream education awards to about 1,700 women all over the world. Apply through the Live Your Dream portal

 Teacher Grants applications are being accepted from elementary school teachers in the Loomis Union School District to support educational projects that benefit students over time. These Loomis Soroptimist grants of $100 - $250 fund special projects that enrich students’ education such as books, music and technology.

 The Loomis Soroptimist Investing in Dreams Award recognizes a girl who demonstrates leadership as a community volunteer, especially impacting women and girls. Applicants may be awarded up to $1000, and must attend Del Oro High School and live in the Loomis Basin. The award can be used for trade school, community college or other higher education expenses. Girls in 9th-12th grades may apply.

 The Soroptimist Ruby Award honors women who make a difference in the lives of women or girls, through their professional or personal efforts. Community members are encouraged to nominate a local role model who is making a significant impact.

 Go to the Soroptimist Loomis website to find the applications   Questions may be directed to SI Loomis Award Committee at [email protected]. Completed applications should be mailed to SI Loomis Awards, PO Box 1141, Loomis CA 95650 and postmarked by November 15, 2021.

 The Live Your Dream application is due November 15 and must be submitted through the portal

 Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin is a 501(c)(3) that invests in education projects that lead to economic empowerment for women and girls. The club leads the Dream It Be It Career discovery program for Koinonia Homes for Teens, funds teachers for Loomis L.I.F.E. center for seniors, maintains the Loomis Little Free Library at the Train Depot Park, and supports other local and international projects.