Mental Health Supports for Students and Districts
Jun 27, 2022 12:00AM ● By Placer County Office of Education News Release
The growing mental health need of our students is a priority. PCOE courtesy photo
Placer County Office of Education News Release
PLACER COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Now more than ever, students across the nation are experiencing higher anxiety, depression, and other mental health-related challenges. Amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, feelings of uncertainty and isolation are proving dangerous to the overall well-being of school communities-- and data from the CDC shows that it's only the beginning of a long recovery period for America's youth.
Alongside our county partners, the Placer County Office of Education has made it a priority to meet this growing need for our students and has worked to supplement current wellness practices across the county. PCOE is proud to provide 14 Wellness Centers at partner sites in our region, including the two new Wellness Centers that have been opened in this year alone. Serving nearly 150 students at Alta Vista Community Charter School and Colfax Elementary School combined, these new centers are proving a welcome addition to our growing wellness force.
In the coming years, PCOE will continue to provide these invaluable resources to students and staff throughout Placer County as part of our legacy of #GoldInEducation.