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Placer Sentinel

Substance use, mental health recovery in the spotlight at 'Recovery Happens' event

Sep 14, 2022 12:00AM ● By Placer County News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - You’re invited to witness how “Recovery Happens” on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Recreation Park, 123 Recreation Drive in Auburn.

This annual family-friendly event celebrates substance use and mental health recovery, highlighting the success of local community members. Resources about treatment and recovery programs will be available.

In addition to informational booths, the event will also include food, music, games and more activities. People in recovery and their families, friends and other loved ones are encouraged to attend.

“We’ve seen increasing need for substance use and mental health services,” said Amy Ellis, director of Placer County’s Adult System of Care. “This event will help connect people to a wide array of county and community partner resources – and it will also help people connect to others who are walking or have walked the same path.”

The event is sponsored by Placer County Health and Human Services; Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board members; and numerous other community partners. View a flier (English and Spanish).

Although recovery is officially celebrated each September, Placer County offers a variety of resources and treatment programs year-round. Connect with resources here.