Placer approves new North Lake Tahoe roundabout
Oct 13, 2022 12:00AM ● By County of Placer News ReleaseAUBURN, CA (MPG) - A plan for a new roundabout and other road improvements at the intersection of state routes 28 and 267 in Kings Beach moved forward today with the Placer County Board of Supervisors approving a $1.2 million contract with GHD Inc. to complete the design and facilitate right-of-way acquisitions for the Kings Beach Western Approach Project.
The project will improve the existing signal-controlled intersection by replacing it with a roundabout and adding pedestrian and bicycle lane improvements. These changes will improve overall mobility and safety while accommodating all modes of travel to include pedestrians, bikes, vehicles and transit.
The existing intersection doesn’t meet current accessibility standards. Its bicycle lanes, sidewalks and crosswalks along state Route 28 are narrow, close to traffic and obstructed by the signal.
Once complete, the project will connect with the adjacent Kings Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project that was completed in 2017. This third and final phase of the corridor plan will address the remaining 28/267 intersection deficiencies, providing a fully integrated corridor from the Kings Beach downtown core through state Route 28 toward Tahoe City.
The project is designated by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s Environmental Improvement Program as an air quality priority project - contributing to improvements in North Lake Tahoe air quality, recreation, scenic resources, soil conservation and water quality.
Funding comes from several sources, with a majority coming from the State Transportation Block Grant and Active Transportation Program and the remaining from the county Traffic Impact Fee Program.
With the board’s approval, the project will now move into the design phase, with construction expected in late 2023 or 2024.