Auburn man convicted of Auburn Public Library stabbing sentenced 15 years to life
Oct 13, 2022 12:00AM ● By Placer County DA News ReleaseROSEVILLE, CA (MPG) - On Dec. 23, 2021, the Honorable Judge Horst sentenced an Auburn man convicted of Auburn Public Library stabbing to 15 years to life, the maximum sentence for these crimes.
On November 18, 2021, a Placer County jury found the defendant, Opada Joseph Opada, guilty of premeditated attempted murder, causing great bodily injury, and assault with a deadly weapon for stabbing two young men at the Auburn Library on December 10, 2019.
Deputy District Attorney Shannon Quigley, who prosecuted this case on behalf of the Placer County District Attorney’s Office said, “The prosecution was successful due to the Auburn Police Department’s diligent work, the victims’ courage to testify and confront their attacker, and the many compassionate citizens who intervened, provided statements, and testified. On the day of the incident, and throughout the trial, Placer County citizens showed the strength of our community in the wake of this violent attack. While there may always be people like the defendant who are willing to hurt others - in Placer County there will always be good people willing to help.”