Local Restaurant Murderer Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder of Local Woman
Mar 06, 2024 12:49PM ● By Placer County District Attorney's Office News Release
Vita Joga in a past photo. Courtesy of Placer County District Attorney
ROSEVILLE, CA (MPG) - On March 4, 2024, the Honorable Judge St. Evans sentenced Johnnie Jordan, age 55, to 50 years to life in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for first degree murder of his ex-fiancée, Vita Joga.
Specifically, Jordan walked into a local restaurant in Placer County and murdered Joga as she was working as a server inside the local restaurant. He then drove to the South Placer Jail and turned himself in.
The relationship started like any other, with a coffee date that led to a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, Jordan had a violent history with a record of possessing a firearm as a felon, criminal threats and more that Joga was not aware of. The relationship progressed into an engagement, but the victim decided to part ways at one point. The split led to jealousy, stalking, and continued domestic violence.
Jordan also had a history of strangulation, which has proven to increase the risk of homicide by 750%.
“Today was about Vita and her loving family and friends. No one should have to experience or endure intimate partner violence on any level.” said Placer County District Attorney Morgan Gire. “Our office stands committed to empowering our victims and survivors - to strengthen their voice, to educate our community about risk factors and warning signs, and to help survivors re-write their story and escape toxic environments before it’s too late.”
The case was prosecuted by Placer County District Attorney Morgan Gire as well as Supervising Deputy District Attorney Anna Duffy of the Family Protection Unit. Joga’s daughter addressed the court with a moving victim impact statement with the support of the office’s Victim Services Unit.
Domestic violence is one of the most dangerous acts a person can experience in their lifetime. Learn more about the risks and resources at www.placer.ca.gov/DV