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High School Artists Invited to Create Winning Sticker Designs

Mar 18, 2024 04:10PM ● By SAFE Credit Union News Release
Image courtesy of SAFE Credit Union

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA (MPG) - SAFE Credit Union is inviting high school artists from 13 Northern California counties to dream big and to illustrate those ideas into winning sticker designs for 2024.

The credit union is sponsoring a sticker contest for the second year to celebrate April’s Financial Capability Month and to highlight all that can be realized through building financial freedom. 

Students attending high school in one of the 13 counties SAFE serves – Alameda, Amador, Butte, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba – are eligible to enter the contest. 

This year’s theme is “Dream Big with SAFE!” By submitting their graphic designs, students can enter for the chance to win a prize of $500, $300, and $100 for first, second, and third place, respectively. Designs must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 21, 2024. See official contest rules here or at

Winning designs will be printed into decals and distributed at SAFE branches and to the winning students. Each winning design will be made into a 2024 SAFE sticker. The popular decals – often used for water bottles or on laptop covers – show off SAFE’s YOU logo.

“We can’t wait to see this year’s sticker design entries,” says SAFE Credit Union Vice President of Marketing Amber DiBernardo.

Amber DiBernardo

 SAFE Credit Union Vice President of Marketing Amber DiBernardo

“Last year’s entries were top-notch and so creative,” she says. “This year we are asking student artists to imagine what they would do if they had the ultimate financial freedom to buy, create or do anything they want, or achieve any goal.”

Through their art, student designers are asked to bring their biggest dreams to life, like affording tuition to their top-choice university, going on a dream vacation, buying that dream car or a new house for their family.

Financial Capability Month, formerly known as Financial Literacy Month, recognizes the value of financial education. 

SAFE Credit Union Financial Wellness Manager Hector Madueno explains that the artistic exercise is a great way to help students understand the importance of financial well-being at an early age.

Hector Madueno

 SAFE Credit Union Financial Wellness Manager Hector Madueno

“Big or small, we all have goals that we could make a reality by using solid financial habits on the path to financial freedom,” Madueno says.

Designs will be judged on creativity and theme execution. Winners will be announced on April 29, 2024. 

For complete contest rules, visit here or

Brooklyn Wagner Payton West Asiya Mamond

 Last year’s sticker design winners from San Juan and El Camino Fundamental high schools – Brooklyn Wagner, Payton West and Asiya Mamond – showcased intricate designs representing how they each were motivated by their family, music and heritage.