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Placer Sentinel

Over $3 Million Available for Projects That Improve Air Quality in Placer County

Apr 09, 2024 10:08AM ● By Placer County Air Pollution Control District News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - The Placer County Air Pollution Control District is accepting applications for projects that reduce localized air pollution.

This year’s Clean Air Grant program boasts over $3 million in grant funds for projects that replace vehicles or equipment with the cleanest engines available or install infrastructure projects that support California’s transformation towards zero and near-zero emission technologies. 

The PCAPCD is accepting applications April 1 through May 31 at 5 p.m.

With funding from the California Air Resources Board’s Carl Moyer and Community Air Protection Incentive Programs, and other state and local funds, Clean Air Grants reduce emissions of smog-forming pollutants in excess of those required by regulation. 

This reduces localized air pollution and improves air quality. Portions of the funds are reserved for projects located within or benefiting low-income communities.

Eligible grant project categories include:

  • Heavy-duty off-road equipment replacements (agricultural and small off-road fleets only)
  • Electric vehicle charging and compressed natural gas or hydrogen fueling stations (residential not eligible)
  • Public school bus replacements (diesel to diesel, CNG, or electric)
  • Heavy-duty vehicle replacements, such as transit buses and garbage trucks (diesel to diesel, CNG or electric)
  • Agricultural pump replacements (diesel to electric)

All vehicles and equipment must comply with current regulations to apply. Project applications will be reviewed competitively and must meet funding eligibility criteria. 

Applications may be submitted by email to [email protected], or by mail/hand-delivered to the PCAPCD office located at 110 Maple Street in Auburn. 

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

To learn more or download a grant application, visit the PCAPCD’s website at