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Senator Dahle Sheds Light on Dems Dark Solar Scheme

Apr 10, 2024 03:38PM ● By Office of Senator Brian Dahle News Release

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Senator Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) raised concerns recently during Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy when the majority party used the budget hearing to influence the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on a recent policy issue.

The subcommittee discussed a proposal by the CPUC for a program that would require certain utilities to buy excess power generated by community solar facilities at a premium cost. The CPUC’s pending decision rejects a proposal from Democrats and solar advocates, which would increase costs by up to $64 billion for people without access to community solar.

Unconcerned with the potential increased rates and appearing unhappy with the recommendation to reject the advocates’ cost-increasing proposal, several Democrat lawmakers signed a letter demanding the CPUC support their solar scheme.

Dahle applauded the CPUC’s discretion and praised their proposal to limit the amount of costs shifted to non-participating customers, as required by AB 2316, with an alternate program that would incentivize community solar projects without increasing electric rates.

“The Legislature needs to look at these projects and make sure they are not harming non-participants,” said Senator Dahle. “This is a policy issue and shouldn’t even be discussed in a budget subcommittee. Sacramento Dems need to stop supporting policies that are bankrupting constituents. Californians have a right to safe, affordable, and reliable energy.”