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Placer Sentinel

Placer County Board of Supervisors to Take Final Vote on Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) Rezone Program

May 20, 2024 12:21PM ● By Placer County Board of Supervisors News Release

PLACER COUNTY, CA (MPG) – During the next Placer County Board of Supervisors meeting, the board will vote on a final list of properties in unincorporated portions of the county for rezoning to multifamily, high-density (RM30) residential in an effort to meet state-mandated housing requirements.  

When: Tuesday, May 21, 2024  

- Meeting starts at 8:00 a.m. 

- RHNA Rezone Program agenda item is scheduled for approximately 10:00 a.m. 

Where: 11434 B Ave, Auburn, CA 

 -Placer County Health & Human Services Building  

 -Jeff Brown Room  

Why: Placer County has fallen short of its affordable housing quota as required by the  Regional Housing Needs Allotment (RHNA), as specified by the State of California. Placer County’s own zoning policy has required builders to allot 10% of projects over 100 homes  for affordable housing. For decades, builders have been allowed to avoid fulfilling this  requirement builders by paying the County an “in lieu” fee to excuse them from building  affordable housing in their developments. This has now created a significant shortfall, the  burden of which is being shoved on the rural areas of unincorporated Placer County, including the Dry Creek Community.  

Many of the proposed properties, including four of the six included properties in the Dry Creek Community, are currently zoned “Residential/Agricultural,” in line with the long standing—yet increasingly disregarded—Dry Creek Community Plan. Members of the Dry Creek Community—in addition to myriad residents from other county communities  containing parcels proposed for rezoning—have spent the last two months conducting a massive grassroots campaign to protest the destruction and complete disregard of their  community plans, as well as the kowtowing to developers and lack of appropriate planning  that created this crisis in the first place. The board meeting on Tuesday, May 21 will be the culmination of this process and will determine the futures of these communities in perpetuity.