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Placer Sentinel

Medication Take-Back Event Approaching; Year-Round Options Continue to Expand

Oct 01, 2024 09:14AM ● By Placer County News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - As Placer County prepares to host another free medication take-back event on Oct. 26, local agencies continue to encourage residents to take advantage of permanent drop boxes and mail-in options that offer a safe, free way to dispose of medication year-round.

Permanent drop boxes: There are 30 free, permanent drop box sites across Placer County, many located at local pharmacies. Use this searchable database to find a location near you.

Mail-in disposal: There are free mail-in options for both medication and sharps/lancets. For either, complete the online form or call (844) 4-TAKE-BACK to request a pre-paid, pre-addressed mail-back package. Instructions are provided with all mail-back services.

Keeping unused or expired medications around the house poses risks of accidental poisoning or addiction, and flushing or throwing away medication can harm the environment.

As community partners across Placer promote these year-round, free services, they will continue to hold biannual take-back events. The next event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring medications in their original containers; cross-out or remove personal information. Click here for locations in West Placer and here for locations in the Tahoe Truckee area.

Local law enforcement — in collaboration with youth organizations, utilities, public health entities and local schools — will partner at various locations across the county to accept prescription and over-the-counter drugs, veterinary medications and vaping devices (batteries removed).

“Properly disposing of unused medications is crucial for the safety of our families and the environment,” said Christina Ivazes, a Health and Human Services program coordinator. “We encourage everyone to take advantage of both the take-back events and the convenient year-round disposal options available.”